cycles suggest grain bounce on Friday

FOR FRIDAY: (12/9) Another USDA report day. Larger cycles suggest a bounce on Friday and market is overdone with pattern completions on beans at 1020-1 and 348.50 on corn at worst. That means at least a 3-wave bounce could come off of those lows. Profit-taking may set in on hogs as upper target has come and too hard to top-pick cattle with the weather.Continue reading

No risk/reward on many markets

FOR WEDNESDAY: (12/7) We feel a bit in “limbo-land,” once again waiting on a major report with ECB. The market overreacted on Monday’s bounce and FOMC into Dec. 1 should be a non-event. Even if we wanted to take a position, the risk/reward on many markets isn’t there. Then we have stocks ready to roll to March futures on Thursday and that often creates distress. For now we’ll wait for the morning. There’s a lot tension building out there and a lot of anxiety and a sense that more big/absurd/illogical moves could happen but we have to wait for the right spots.Continue reading

Grains should still be higher for at least one more day

FOR WEDNESDAY: (12/7) Grains should still be higher for at least one more day before position squaring sets in before Friday’s USDA report. We are inclined to expect topping action then and for the market to turn lower on Dec. 12-13  and probably into Dec. 15. Meats also look lower next week and the question is whether there will be a clear pattern completion on Thursday to sell meats.Continue reading

Euro breakout possible

FOR TUESDAY: (12/6) Trade waiting on the ECB on Thursday and the feeling is that QE will come to an end and that rate hikes will come eventually and the Euro is happy—and it is very oversold anyway. We have more of a bias for an upward breakout on stocks than a breakdown. There is a sense from currencies that a more significant turn is happening for December and yet we need a few more clues–and the chance for acceleration right away before ECB seems unlikely for the Euro or the dollar.

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T-notes due for a 4th-wave bounce

FOR MONDAY: (12/5) Given our experience with Trump and Brexit, how much and how long will markets be impacted by a “No Vote” by Italy and can we be surprised by anything else. I suspect that by the morning session, whatever damage has happened will be negated. If we can, we will put out a report on Sunday afternoon or night. In the end we can only trade patterns and cycles, and patterns suggest that stocks have to eventually go lower this month even if we get a freak bounce first. T-notes are due for a 4th-wave bounce to 125.22 basis March and the dollar should hold 102.22 basis March futures. While these moves look exciting, you have to buy just right and have big pockets. In the end, no one wins in the meat grinder unless you stay up all night and watch and monitor and use trailing stops.Continue reading

Bean patterns look complete

Bean patterns look complete and they lead the complex and may prevent too much more for wheat and corn. We’re moving stops down and will continue to look to take profits and need to be a buyer next week by early Monday if conditions warrant and set up. Cattle continue to issue technical sell signals. Leave hogs alone.Continue reading

Stocks watching European news

FOR FRIDAY: (12/2) Friday’s employment numbers may not mean much with a 98.6% chance for a rate hike Dec. 14 so even a bad number would not have an impact. The Italy vote and Austrian election seem more important for Sunday and given extreme reaction from Brexit and Trump, it’s hard to take anything home over the weekend. Either your top or bottom-pick very key numbers with big stops or stay out of a potential meat grinder where no one wins. Contract rollover to March currencies coming over the weekend and that’s a good reason to be flat there. Hard to imagine stocks blasting to new highs before European news and then we have ECB with an expected taper coming next Thursday. Currencies tend to over-react the most to these events and we’ll have to be flat for the weekend. OPEC good news is off sold off as they inevitably cheat on the agreements or fight later.Continue reading

Cattle cycles weak on Friday

FOR FRIDAY: (12/2) We may see end-of-the-week short-covering and bean patterns look complete and they lead the complex and may prevent too much more for wheat and corn. We’re moving stops down and will continue to look to take profits and need to be a buyer next week by early Monday if conditions warrant and set up. Cattle continue to issue technical sell signals and we’ll look to resell here with weak cycles on Friday. Leave hogs alone.Continue reading

Fund buying at first of month

FOR THURSDAY: (12/1) Trade is waiting for employment numbers on Friday, which may not mean much with a rate hike coming anyway and then Italy over the weekend. Hard to imagine stocks blasting to new highs before all that. Currencies tend to over react the most to these events and we’ll have to be flat for the weekend. OPEC good news is off sold off as they inevitably cheat on the agreements or fight later. For now it’s a good thing given that maybe deflation cycles are finally ending. Fund buying at first of the month for stocks can get delayed if it’s too close to employment report but not thinking it matters this month.Continue reading