Huge cycles the next few days

FOR WEDNESDAY: (1/31) Huge cycles the next few days and we have State of the Union, FOMC and the Congressional memo bombshell due to be released within in a few days. Market has already been crazily volatile but we expect that to increase. We should get recoveries, and the promises for infrastructure development for the US should get things going. The fall on NQ wasn’t as pronounced as S & P, and it should’ve been more with the I-Phone X forecasts and that seems to be a bright spot.

S & P ANALYSIS FOR WEDNESDAY: (1/31) Our day-trade hotline made decent money selling in the 2840/38 region this morning. The chance for a recovery with the State of the Union tonight is likely, as it’s close to major support at 2820 and will easily go back to 2840 parabolic resistance. Cycles are volatile for Wednesday but we favor upward action into Friday. For weeks we had looked for a 70-point correction matching the August 2017 one and it’s just about in, but technically and we can’t rule out 2810 on futures or 2809 on cash before the market takes off again. We’re not favoring the larger 130-point correction on cash at this time, and ideally we would like to see one more new high. We cannot get beared-up, as we have seen for months what happens to the bears. Not willing to watch all night so we’ll see what develops in the morning.
CYCLE SYNTHESIS: Volatile but higher into Jan. 31; generally higher into Friday.

Not sure if the bull market in wheat will end soon

FOR WEDNESDAY: (1/31) Grain markets are a bit overbought but there is a climax cycle on Wednesday and the chance for profit-taking setting in before the month-end positioning by funds will increase volatility. Market could turn lower into Monday. Not sure if the bull market in wheat will end soon, and we expect more problems with Brazil later in the month so not sure we should turn bearish grains. We may exit short corn into Wednesday if not stopped. Cattle sideways before the semi-annual report on Wednesday.Continue reading

30-day cycle is higher on Tuesday

FOR TUESDAY: (1/30) Funds continuing to want to buy and are supported by weather. The 30-day cycle is higher on Tuesday and with cycles inverting, if there’s to finally be a reversal, it may not be starting until Thursday. Still a lot of mixed signals but the momentum is there and we won’t fight longs and top-pick wheat or beans just yet. Not all Feb. signals are lower. Some of our weather data continues to point toward problems in Feb. for S.A., and that may mean a bottom is in and we won’t get a seasonal downtrend. Still crunching data. Cattle are also wild this week and we have the semi-annual inventory out on Wednesday.

MARCH SOYBEANS (electronic ok)
TRADING RECOMMENDATION: Wait for morning comments.
TODAY’S COMMENTS: (1/30) Beans stalled near the old highs at 1015 but could get pulled to 1024 if wheat supports the market. Too much rain here in some areas but not thinking that is really a problem. Still, we’re starting to sense that we’re not having a normal crop or normal weather in South America, and we can’t ignore the technical signals. At this point 3 waves down could go to 999-1000 over the next few days but we still need to get a handle on action on Feb. Month-end fund-profit-taking is also looming.
CYCLES OVERVIEW: Key turn into Wednesday morning—-probably a low.

Grains should hold up into early Wednesday if not down hard Sunday/Monday

FOR MONDAY: (1/29) Waiting on weekend weather. If grains aren’t down hard on Sunday night or Monday, they should hold up into early Wednesday before month-end profit-taking will hit hard and a major cycle is due. COF report looks bearish with placements higher than expected and market is overbought going into it.  Cold storage for bellies was also rather bearish and should impact hogs, which have weak cycles next week anyway.Continue reading

Looks like stocks will recover on Friday

FOR FRIDAY: (1/26) So a tag team with the Treasury Secretary talking down the dollar the last few days and Trump talking it back up. Created a lot of craziness for the markets on Thursday and now we have to wait for his DAVOS speech. Looks like stocks will recover on Friday.Continue reading

Friday looks higher for grains

FOR FRIDAY: (1/26) Trump talked the dollar back up but will it last? If it does, grains have little reason to stay higher if SA weather finds some rain. Friday looks higher. Trade also waiting on the COF for Friday.Continue reading

NQ 7000 was too much for even-number “sell junkies”

FOR THURSDAY: (1/25) NQ 7000 was too much for even number “sell junkies” and Paulson’s statement sent the dollar to the worst start in 30 years.

TRADING RECOMMENDATION: Wait for morning comments.
S & P ANALYSIS FOR THURSDAY: (1/25) We had talked about a cycle low into Wednesday but gave up on it when the market just kept going up. Day-trade hotline sold 2854 but took quick profits and our buy at 2842 and 2840.50 didn’t get cancelled as 2856 just missed printing and we took two 10-12 point losses. Is the market matching the correction we saw on Jan. 16, which would project 2815? While we do have to worry about rising rates, not quite thinking this market is done or that a 70- or 100-point correction is starting here but a close under 2810 might change our mind.

Grains usually lower on Thursday

FOR THURSDAY: (1/25) The last day and we gave up on our numbers from weeks ago and they finally came in and then some. The higher dollar and higher crude are very helpful now and we wonder if our cycle lows into the end of the month will manifest or not. Usually we can count on grains being lower on Thursdays and the 29/30-day cycle is weak so let’s see what develops. If they don’t go down much on Thursday, a divergent high is possible on Friday.Continue reading

Cattle overbought ahead of COF

FOR WEDNESDAY: (1/24) Have to get a bit more aggressive chasing short grains but they are still subject to weather. Seasonally one wants to be short the third week of January into early Feb. and cycles do look weak. Cattle have been subjected to winter conditions but should get some sell the fact action happening and they are overbought.Continue reading

Chance for a stock market pullback into Wednesday

FOR WEDNESDAY: (1/24) Latest Washington gridlock: will we see Schumer taking away Trump’s wall by the Feb. 8 budget deadline. Still, that’s plenty of time for the market to go up. We have a chance for a stock market pullback into Wednesday and then it would be a buy but we can’t count on pullbacks. Dollar breakdown below 9000 is rather ominous.Continue reading