Expecting topping action on S & P by Monday

FOR MONDAY: (11/27) Thin holiday trading can be exaggerated. Expecting topping action on S & P by Monday, as cycles turn negative later into the week. Dollar move not a panic sell unless it closes below 9295. Will have to confirm cycle highs on the dollar for Dec. 10. Gold cycles are weak this week.

DEC. E-MINI S & P 500
TRADING RECOMMENDATION: Wait for morning comments.

S & P ANALYSIS FOR MONDAY: (11/27) We knew that 2600 would come out easily. Projection first is to 2609.75 with parabolic support at 2596.75 not likely to come out easily. For now the market still is up into Monday with resistance at 2612 and key resistance at 2617 on cash. We looked at next week and it could take until Dec. 1-3 to get cash up to 2617 so if we get no downside follow-through starting Tuesday, market will be congestive mode. Patterns seem clear.

OVERALL: Expecting topping action by Monday, as cycles turn negative later into the week into Dec. 1st. The divergent high to 2607 may come and maybe cash will get up to 2617. We’re seeing at least a 110-point fall to 2485. Lower target is possible to 2400-2385. It does look like a Christmas recovery will happen the week of Dec. 11-15 and possibly into the Dec. 22.

CYCLES OVERVIEW: Topping Monday; lower into Thursday; higher Friday.

Lower dollar will help ag exports

FOR MONDAY: (11/27) Crude prices are project 6035 with cycle highs into Monday and that could keep grains bid. The dollar broke key support at 9300 and projects 9231. It’s possible that the dollar break is a game changer and will go to 8800 eventually. Lower dollar will help exports and seasonals should come to the rescue for grains. We have a bias toward selling higher cattle early next week but will decide by Monday whether to sell.Continue reading

Dollar move not a panic sell

FOR THURSDAY/FRIDAY: (11/24) Thin holiday trading can be exaggerated and we’re only interested in buying T-notes if we can get in tonight. Dollar move not a panic sell unless it closes below 9295. Will have to confirm cycle highs on the dollar for Dec. 10.Continue reading

Seeing higher grains next week

FOR FRIDAY: (11/24) Option expiration for Dec. grains will dominate thin holiday trade on Friday. We do see higher grains next week and hogs look like they will bottom early next week and turn up into Dec. 1st. Cattle may continue short-covering and set up new shorts by early next week.

DEC. CORN (electronic ok)
TODAY’S COMMENTS: (11/24) Market hit 347 and came off. Option expiration is on Friday and the key price of puts and calls with the most volume is 350 so the chances of the market expiring near there are high so option writers won’t have to pay up. We see the market higher next week and will roll to the March contract by Monday. Will leave it alone for Friday.

Will favor the larger patterns

FOR WEDNESDAY: (11/22) Will anyone be home and trading? Always worried about thin holiday conditions which make stop placement precarious. We will go with the larger patterns and see if we can survive crazy holiday conditions. Usually we find that patterns get completed after the long weekend if we are patient but if we see the wrong cycles we may have to get out.Continue reading

Cattle may continue short-covering

FOR WEDNESDAY: (11/22) Never fond of holiday trade so best to continue to take profits on short cattle and long wheat, and we’re ok holding long beans. We do see higher grains next week and hogs look like they will bottom early next week and turn up into Dec. 1st. Cattle may continue short-covering and set up new shorts by early next week.Continue reading

Still like short gold, silver

FOR TUESDAY: (11/21) Always worried about thin holiday conditions which make stop placement precarious. We still like short gold and silver and long crude and will go with those new trades. We also like long stocks but want to make sure there are not any nasty surprises in the morning.

DEC. E-MINI S & P 500
S & P ANALYSIS FOR TUESDAY: (11/21) We had hoped for a congestive few days between 2562-2585 but probably won’t get it. In the end, with thin holiday volume, the market should reach up to 2605 on futures with extensions up to 2617 on cash which will be close on futures. Ideally we could see a top by Monday with end of the month profit-taking likely into Nov. 30. These markets will often do a lot on Wednesday night/Thursday/Thursday night around Thanksgiving and you have to take home length to catch it. We had thought that Tuesday might be the strongest day higher.

Resistance overnight at 2689 and support at 2577-8. May have to buy that dip. The worst-case scenario would be an overnight dip to 2562.50, which would have to be bought also.

OVERALL: The market did generate a negative weekly chart close and a first Hindenburg signal so we’re right about topping action here but it will always go a bit more than expected and these 4th-wave fake-outs are frustrating. The divergent high to 2607 may come and maybe cash will get up to 2617. We’re seeing at least a 110-point fall to 2485. Lower target is possible to 2400-2385. It does look like a Christmas recovery will happen the week of Dec. 11-15 and possibly into the Dec. 22.

CYCLES OVERVIEW: Higher Tuesday; sideways to higher Wednesday/Thursday; pulling back Friday; higher Monday.

Corn: One more slight new low

FOR TUESDAY: (11/21) The week of Thanksgiving is usually higher for grains and we can still buy for a few days as grains are usually higher through the first part of Thanksgiving week.Continue reading

Stocks look higher on Sunday

FOR MONDAY: (11/20) We’re happy to put this whippy week behind us.  The problem is that thin holiday action before Thanksgiving can be either non-eventful or too crazy in going after stops in thin conditions. Our strategy is usually not to trade too much before Thanksgiving and my trading tutors have always taught that Nov 8-Dec. 31 is a thinner volume atmosphere.

Lately weekend politics has been tricky and China implosions are always negative possible events for Sunday night. We think stocks are lower on Sunday anyway. Still, eventually, given the breakout and new highs on NQ, we have to assume that SP cash could get to 2617 before all is done. Last few days have been difficult, as we have had a number of larger 4th waves that seemed like trend changes but then they are recovering to keep the trend intact. New highs on NQ remind us that it’s too early to write the stock market’s obituary.

Grains usually higher Thanksgiving week

FOR MONDAY: (11/20) The week of Thanksgiving is usually higher for grains and we can still buy for a few days still and usually they’re higher through the first party of Thanksgiving week. Cattle on Feed report was bearish but will be hard to get in but may get a chance with lower action for a few days. Hogs probably lower a few days.Continue reading