Grains sideways into USDA report

FOR WEDNESDAY: (8/9) Expecting a sideways day before the USDA report and as always we will have to take positions during the report to catch the moves. We are inclined to see lower action into Friday but could see the market recover to the upside starting next week.Continue reading

Mixed cycles ahead

FOR TUESDAY: (8/8) Mondays rarely tell us much, as everyone is still at the beach but they do start coming back by Monday night so we could complete some patterns by the morning. We have a lot of mixed cycles with topping stocks, lower bonds, higher dollars and retracing gold this week.Continue reading

Cattle look weaker this week

FOR TUESDAY: (8/8) Grains opened slightly higher but still see them retracing into Thursday/ Friday and think sells are in order. Cattle look weaker this week if you can find a risk/reward. So crazy!Continue reading

Mondays continue to be doggy

FOR MONDAY: (8/7) Mondays continue to be doggy with a long holiday weekend for many. We have completed research for the next 3 months and published our new Fortucast Financial Visions issue, and some of our thoughts are included below. This is a transition week for stocks and we see a cycle low into Aug. 21 but it still may not be the final low of the summer. Dollar and gold need to retrace overdone conditions from the past week. T-notes probably had a game-changer report and we can be short most of the month.Continue reading

Current swings suggest Aug. 7 high

FOR MONDAY: (8/7) Corn and beans put in minimum pattern completions and don’t have to go lower but without much of a rally Sunday/Monday, they easily could go lower. Wheat is a more ideal buy at 451 and got close. Cycles look sideways to higher for grains on Sunday. Next week looks lower. We looked at the last 3 Augusts and they bucked the seasonal pattern to rally in August, which means we can’t count on it. Current swings suggest Aug. 7 high, Aug.11 low, Aug. 22 high. If key numbers on grains like 450 on Sept. wheat and 937-42 on Nov. beans at 369 on Dec. corn come in by Monday, then we could start sideways congestion into the USDA report and invert cycles. Continue reading

Corn and beans put in minimum pattern completions

FOR FRIDAY: (8/4) Corn and beans put in minimum pattern completions and don’t have to go lower. Wheat is a more ideal buy at 451 and got close and it could hit overnight. Cycles look sideways to higher for grains on Friday and may hold up on Sunday. Next week looks lower. We looked at the last 3 Augusts and they bucked the seasonal pattern to rally in August, which means we can’t count on it. Current swings suggest Aug. 7 high, Aug.11 low, Aug. 22 high. Not sure what to do with crazy meats but have to be patient now at overbought conditions.Continue reading

Gold seems lower Friday

FOR THURSDAY: (8/3) Not expecting much on Thursday although stock cycles are positive into Friday and gold seems lower Friday and the dollar higher on Friday. Dollar seems lower next week. Oil is buy by late Thursday or early Friday.Continue reading

Cycles for today offer the best chance for stocks to retreat

FOR WEDNESDAY: (8/2) Cycles for today offer the best chance for stocks to retreat if DOW mania and APPLE to 1000 don’t take over. The rest of the markets are usually congestive into employment report but at the moment it looks like gold and silver are lower on Friday and the dollar higher and T-notes lower and stocks higher.Continue reading