LIVE THURSDAYS: 1:30-2:45 pm CST;
Repeated by Videotape evenings or at your leisure and downloadable from Dropbox.
E-mail For up coming class dates
Class available on videotape in Dropbox with accompanying Power-point presentations
Lesson 1: Broadening our Understanding of Wealth:
Money means love, health, success, happiness, prosperity and physical cash as well as the courage to get out there and do something great. Techniques to broaden and grow in confidence and move beyond our limitations and small mind.
Lesson 2: The Wisdom of the Money Gurus : Thinking and Speaking Properly about Money in Order to Manifest –The Power of Intention and Command.
Did the people who raised you make you seem like money was corrupt? There is a great need for learning and cultivating new speaking and thought patterns to change the way we manifest money and success through intention, writing and speech.
Lesson 3: Secrets of Increasing Abundance: Tithing and Cleaning up the Past
The principle of giving and gratitude guiding your charitable acts and deeps toward problem areas in your life to clean up the past.
Lesson 4: Secrets of Increasing Abundance 2: Law of Manifesting and Techniques for Increasing Abundance through the Power of Visualization and Commanding
Lesson 5: Diagnosing your Blocks and Self-Sabotage Patterns: Self-Examination :
We often have subconscious broken records running through our heads that block and sabotage abundance. How to get in touch with these and transform them so they do not run our lives.
Lesson 6: The Spiritual Laws of Success: Seven Principles to Get in Touch with the Cosmic Laws of Manifestation
- Quiet time, circulation and giving, gratitude, creating good karma with good judgment and action, the importance of acceptance and not fighting, intention and manifestations, the secret of letting go, finding your unique talents in the world.
Lesson 7: Developing Good Habits of Saving and Overcoming Bad Habits of Debiting
Our society and the banking industry has moved us toward instant gratification through debt and taken us away from the tried and true old principles of savings and having our money make money. How do we change our patterns and get out of debt?
Lesson 8: Secrets of Investing and Trading: The Psychology of Success
Our money should make money. Secrets of psychology, money management, self-confidence, stress management planning and action to overcome our bad habits.
Early Bird Sign up by Dec 15th: 495.00.
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