Agricultural Market Timer
Get daily reports to help you navigate the financial markets
Covers fundamental, technical and cyclical analysis on 6 markets and includes twice-daily, morning and afternoon reports. Savvy fundamental analysis, cyclical timing, and specific order recommendations with some long-term hedging information included.
- Savvy fundamental analysis
- Twice-daily analysis of fundamentals behind daily movement
- Key long-term weekly chart targets for hedging and selling and planning
- Daily directional forecast with key numbers for precise exits and entries
- Clear formats and easy to follow
Futures Markets Covered
Chicago Wheat
Minneapolis Wheat
KC Wheat
Live Cattle
Feeder Cattle
Lean Hogs
With 35+ years in business, Fortucast publishes daily and intraday reports on financial futures, Ag markets, ETF sectors & stock indices using Gann, Elliott Wave, and five cycle timing models. We provide the best in class market research to help you grow your portfolio:
Specific Trade Ideas
Leveraging GANN, Elliot Wave, and Proprietary Cyclical analysis, we provide specific entry, stop, target positions on over 30 Futures, and ETFs
Long Term Guidance
Leveraging GANN, Elliot Wave, and Proprietary Cyclical analysis, we provide specific entry, stop, target positions on over 30 Futures, and ETFs
Timely Reports
Reports are published twice daily morning and evening, release times are between 7:30-10:30 am CST in the morning and 6-8pm CST in the evening and approximately 4-8 pages in length.