Cattle very overbought

FOR WEDNESDAY: (4/12) We completed grain cycles for the month and they look like they hold up longer than we originally thought so chances are we can be long at least into April 19-20. Cattle are very overbought now and near key pattern completions and we think pre-holiday profit-taking will set in by Thursday and continue into Monday. We took profits on hogs. There is a bit more to get on the upside but we’re nervous with rollover from April to June hogs on Monday and the cash/futures spreads.Continue reading

Grains oversold going into WASDE

AGRICULTURAL MARKETS OVERVIEW FOR TUESDAY: (4/11) Another USDA report and this one is too soon after the March 31 reports. Market oversold going into it as of Sunday night but not so much for corn now. We have a bias toward higher grain prices into Friday but need to buy value if we can still get it. Meats are acting sickly but we still would buy cattle and usually hogs are higher into Wednesday.Continue reading

Stocks mostly lower into Wednesday

FOR MONDAY: (4/10) These weekend breaks with saber-rattling are a bit unnerving, as Russia sends ships to the area and rhetoric flies. Cycles into April 13-14 do have more war/aggressive energy than the following week so getting through this week will be important but an underlying peace cycle may prevent anything series through late May. We have always worried more about war and violence July and August and that may be the more serious time period. Despite a decent finish on Friday, stocks look mostly lower into Wednesday of next week and it would not take much to trigger a weekly chart top, although we think NQ still could do a divergent high in May. The dollar should top out by Friday and be lower next week and gold and silver look lower next week and also T-notes which finally looked like they put in a reversal. These big-event days with extended ranges usually turn into key points for the month. If the news is volatile over the weekend, we will put out an update on Sunday night if we can but usually it’s too difficult to tell until Europe opens in the Middle of the night.

SWING TRADING RECOMMENDATION: Sell June e-mini S & P at 2359 and 2364 with a 2368.50 stop.

S&P ANALYSIS FOR MONDAY: (4/10) We moved stops to breakeven and got stopped but had suggested partial profits a number of times and the market never took out our original stop into the close. We have a bias for lower prices into Wednesday, but won’t rule out going to 2364-2366 on Sunday night if there is some calm and sanity in the world. The failure to break 2340 on a closing basis didn’t confirm a weekly chart top and even if we get to projections to 2325 or 2318 quickly, we could recover in a congested manner. We do want to get short but may not get the chance.

OVERALL: We favor a fall to 2318 with a first cycle low into April 12 to complete a 3-3-5 pattern. Because cycles are volatile into Sunday and news continues to be on the edge, you have to favor shorts but will put out orders higher if we can get.

BIG PICTURE: The week before tax returns is often bearish and some sell stocks to pay for taxes and seasonals seem lower before taxes are due. We have a bias for lower prices next week and if the market remains congestive and cannot drop, then they may take the market up into next Friday.

LONGER TERM: (3/27) Still can’t officially say we have a weekly chart sell signal until 2300 comes out on a closing basis. It may be a while before we know if a weekly chart top is in. Expecting a May high and a new NQ high unless NQ takes out 5200–and if that’s the case, we’ll get a divergent S & P high to maybe 2420. Expecting that 2050 is possible into October for a 15% correction and cycle low and if the market closes under 2300, we would see 2200. Too early in the game to get too beared up but you can favor shorts into the week of April 2-6 and watch pattern completions. Still have to pick your spots carefully.

CYCLES OVERVIEW: Lower into April 12; higher into April 14.

Key cycle low for grains by Sunday or early Monday

FOR MONDAY: (4/10) We have a key cycle low for grains by Sunday or early Monday and it can set up a countertrend buy if you want to be long into the USDA report on Tuesday. Weather news is largely good for crops but bearish for prices with the recent widespread rain to be followed by a few days of warm, dry conditions in both the Plains and Midwest. Rain returns to the Midwest on Sunday with severe storms expected in parts of Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. Next Tuesday is USDA’s monthly supply and demand reports. A Bloomberg survey showed the trade expects increases in U.S. corn, soybean and wheat ending stocks, plus some higher numbers for Argentina and Brazil corn and soybeans.Continue reading

Wild week continues

FOR THURSDAY: (4/6) We told you this would be a wild week and so far it’s living up to its billing and not over yet and should get wilder as we move into Friday. At this point we had some clear reversals on Wednesday but now need to get 62% retracements of them to get in better.Continue reading

Looking to buy hogs

FOR THURSDAY: (4/6) We’re willing to sell beans an wheat if we get a bounce and hogs should be a buy if we can get in lower. Cattle may be done here for now but we never like being long on a Thursday.Continue reading

Stocks, gold still look higher

FOR WEDNESDAY: (4/5) Trade waiting on FOMC minutes. Stocks and gold still look higher and crude isn’t done until 5150 comes in and dollar needs 101. There should be a climax in pattern completions within a few days and the trick will be when will China news come out of the meeting on Friday and will markets be closed by then?Continue reading

Employment-report week often a congestive mess

FOR TUESDAY: (4/4) Employment-report week is often a congestive mess with wild swings and congestion triangle patterns. It makes trading erratic and tricky and you have to take the money quickly on short swings and jaunts. We don’t want to take too much home overnight with crazy cycles. Today’s first surprise was the St. Petersburg’s metro bomb and while the news had downplayed it, the smoking gun was found on the leaks and it was President Obama’s own Susan Rice. The media is more interested in making up Putin stories than covering a real scandal. Our world has changed so much since Walter Cronkite.

BACKGROUND NOISE CONTINUING: We’re moving into a potentially intense week politically and could spill over into the markets. On the calendar is a Trump meeting with China, and we have to think that N. Korean games could heat up this week. Spring cycles suggest a repeat of the June cycle that led to the trigger of Brexit and that cycle kicks in the week of April 3. Britain is invoking Article 50 on March 29, which will lead to a 2-year transition. This cycle also suggests more revolutionary energy for France on May 7 and eventually Italy. We last saw this cycle around Brexit and it created massive moves in the market, so the week of April 3 could also produce something like that. That in connection with an intense fear cycle could lead to a major turn if there’s a trigger. There is also the start of a 7-year cycle kicking from April 2017-2024 that will increase military and technological development, and it has an 84-year synodic period. It signals unpredictable, sudden occurrences, such as May 2010’s “flash crash,” when the Dow dropped 1,000 points in 5 minutes, wiping out many small investors. This cycle is connected electricity, shock, computers and inventiveness and social activism. It will be running for the next 7 years.

All of this puts us on alert not to take a lot of positions home unless you are clear on patterns and cycles and can manage risk.

Grains may hold up on Tuesday

FOR MONDAY: (4/4) Grains may hold up on Tuesday and pull back into Thursday and we have to be patient here. Cattle look sideways to lower into Wednesday and hogs are due for a comeback.Continue reading