(2/23) Will the trade wait for Trump’s joint address to Congress on Monday to blast off again? That may be the case. Bullish energy for risk-taking peaks into early next week and the market should be close to topping action for US stocks then. For now the market keeps buying pullbacks.Continue reading
Expecting bearish reaction to Outlook report
(2/23) Our sources say that the Ag Outlook report will be released at 8 am EST but may not be posted completely to their website until 3 pm EST. Over the years, the market has usually reacted to this report early in the morning. We haven’t taken a heavy position with anything, as this report can be like the quarterly reports and can create huge moves. Farm Futures expects corn acreage at 90.49 million vs 2016’s 94 million; soybeans at 90.52 million vs 83.4 million and wheat at 45.68 million vs 50.2 million. Based on cycles, we expect a bearish reaction but the impact may be more on new crop which we are not even covering yet. We’re getting close to end of the month seasonal lows and we should be out of short March grains by early Monday and will roll to the May and July contracts. Hogs broke hard but are close to a key cycle low and cattle look lower on Thursday.Continue reading
Volatile cycles next few days
(2/22) FOMC minutes is the big report on Wednesday and not sure the market cares too much about it or a hawkish bent. Cycles are a bit more volatile the next few days so we’ll have to see what manifests; the weekend congestion should be over and followed by new movement.Continue reading
No risk/reward for selling grains without a bounce
FOR WEDNESDAY: (2/22) Usually we can count on hog bounces on Wednesday and if they are weak, we’re probably ok selling. Cattle look lower a few days. We have had a bias for lower grains into Wednesday/Thursday and not sure the USDA outlook report will mean that much, although we should consider it as important as a quarterly report. No risk/reward for selling grains without a bounce. Cycles look rather weak here.Continue reading
S & P projects 2354 on futures
(2/21) Not much to add to our Friday night update. Most patterns are on schedule. We hate three-day weekends because by Tuesday morning, whatever has happened over the weekend usually gets faded and you have to be ready to take profits and go the other way. We’re clear enough about larger patterns and trends to stay out of trouble.Continue reading
Lower cattle prices on Tuesday
FOR TUESDAY: (2/21 no change) Three-day weekends are tricky to trade. Grains are oversold and if they crash Monday night on bearish weather, they will have to bounce on Tuesday. Hogs look higher for a few days and have to wait for the dust to settle on cattle but seeing lower prices on Tuesday and willing to sell a key pattern completion on the feeders.Continue reading
Most patterns on schedule
(2/19-20) With Europe and Asia open, market could still be pretty active by the Monday open. Most patterns are on schedule. We hate three-day weekends because by Tuesday morning, whatever has happened over the weekend usually gets faded and you have to be ready to take profits and go the other way. We’re clear enough about larger patterns and trends to stay out of trouble.Continue reading
Willing to sell key pattern completion on feeders
FOR TUESDAY: (2/20-21) Three-day weekends are tricky to trade. Grains are oversold and if they crash Monday night on bearish weather, they will have to bounce on Tuesday. Hogs look higher for a few days and have to wait for the dust to settle on cattle but seeing lower prices on Tuesday and willing to sell a key pattern completion on the feeders.Continue reading
Clear reversal on wheat
FOR FRIDAY: (2/17) Clear reversal on wheat and will not take much for beans to follow. Corn did its 6-7 cent retracement and can’t afford to do more.Continue reading
Some signs of reversal energy for dollar, metals
(2/16) Some signs of reversal energy for dollar and metals but the S & P is going to the moon and crude continues to congest and drive us crazy. Lots of news on Thursday but then pre-weekend paralysis will set in on Friday.Continue reading